Sunday, August 29, 2010


It's back.


What did you do to get into her heart as so? If what you guys had was genuine, that's a cause for worry in itself. If it wasn't genuine on your part, as you claim, it worries me that you could play such games with a young girl. I don't know how to act now that I know that you "always have and always will have" her heart. What would you do if you knew the kind of hold that you have on her? Would you care and break my heart? Or laugh and break hers?

And how the hell do you always know when something's wrong? No one has ever read me so well. It's scary and infuriating when my best efforts to hide are futile.

I never meant for it to turn out this way. I was and am still so unprepared against our haunting past.

Monday, August 23, 2010

The love of money is the root of all evil.

Money was never as big an issue in my life as it is to me today. School is approaching.. I'm not only going to be struggling with all my courses as usual, but working a minimum wage job as well and commuting 30 miles to get to it. Honestly though, there is no limit to my capabilities and whatever help my family needs from me they will get. No questions asked. I've made a lot of dumb mistakes this week that lost me money but I stay optimistic and say life is a beautiful struggle.

To my man who is in over a thousand dollars of debt because of me: Every challenge we are faced with we will go through together, and I promise we will always make it out okay. Since day 1 I've known that all of you and all that was yours were at my feet. So today I say, without regret or any doubt in my mind, that what's mine is yours and anytime you reach for me I will be all that you need and more.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

You call me a feminist like it's a bad thing.

I wonder if you men out there know that women play dumb so you'll be taken in by our cuteness. We know how to manipulate you into falling for us by stirring your masculine instinct to protect and provide. We know exactly how to play that game.. And idk about other women but as for myself, it makes me laugh inside when men show that they believe themselves to be smarter or wittier, when all along we were pretending so they may not feel threatened by our own intelligence. You can call it degrading but who's the fool in this game? Oh and fyi, some women don't play it at all while others don't even have to pretend. Most of us, however, are just as capable as men in completing any task if only we wanted to.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men

Sometimes the things you plan the most carefully and cherish the most crumble, bringing you with them as they fall. And when they crumble it's like laughter in your face for having hope in them at all.. For thinking you could have that perfect night, that perfect job, the perfect life. Maybe you weren't even asking for perfection. Maybe you just wanted to have a good night with your friends like you used to, except this time you would have your man by your side sharing that good night with you. Maybe all you wanted was this reality only to find that it's a dream.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010