Monday, November 1, 2010

Can we stay like this forever?

After I arrived in my garage today and shut off the engine, I sat in my car for no more then 10 seconds to wonder at my life. Even fairytales can't be this good.. I have the most loving and supportive family. We got hit hard by this fucked up economy, but we're still standing and as happy as ever. I go to a good school and get good grades. I have true friends, which I honestly doubt most people can say. I have an amazing boyfriend who loves me more than I thought human beings were capable. Oh, and I have a job.. which definitely seems like a fairytale to most of us in this day and age. It pays minimum and I only get 4 hour shifts 4 days a week, but they feed me and my bank account which is plenty to be thankful for.

I hope things stay gold.

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